Creating Startup Universities
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Thank You for Participating in Startip University!

As of April 1st, we have closed Startup University to new submissions while we review and report back on the results. We will be contacting all of those who registered to vote on ideas, submitted ideas or made comments with the results of this project. You can also check back after April 15th or subscribe to the SBA’s blog for updates.

Last year the Small Business Administration held a series of regional roundtables with accelerators and universities, and one of the major takeaways was that universities could use a dedicated forum to discuss best practices and build new connections between academia and startup entrepreneurs.

Based off this feedback, the SBA and Department of Commerce created Startup University as a forum for educators and entrepreneurs like you to vote, comment, add provide feedback, but we need your help!

  • Use our forum bellow and tell us what you are seeing:
  • Vote: Which initiatives stand out to you? Vote on your top 5 success stories and tell us if these programs should be replicated elsewhere.
  • Add Your Own– How you have promoted innovation and entrepreneurship on campus and in the community? What can be done to replicate your success, or learn from past mistakes?
  • Hot ideas
  • Top ideas
  • New ideas
  • My feedback

9 results found

  1. Proven six-week intensive mentor/training workshop ending with new small business up-and-running. Extraneous academic "fluff" eliminated

    Practical-proven six-week mentoring/training INTENSIVE copyrighted workshop resulting with new small business up-and-running. Named "From Concept to Startup and Beyond" [C-S-B] "no academic 'fluff' " boiled-down basics. B = continuing requested one-topic follow on trainings - graduates networked into continuing interaction groups. Original implementation 2005-present for young-unemployed populations in the Middle East & North Africa. Now offered for the young unemployed college graduates in North America; also for older and wise seniors. Carefully in process of choosing three practical leading-edge community colleges as partners. We train trainers as well. "We don't just talk it -we prove it AND measure our results."…

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  2. LaGuardia Community College/CUNY, Long Island City (Queens) NY, Business Services "en suite"

    Provides business advisement and support services "en suite" - under one umbrella creating an ecosystem to support small businesses. Small Business owners can access support from one program to another depending on their needs and where they are in their business; education and training, government procurement assistance and access to capital across five core business programs: a Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), a Small Business Transportation Resource Center (SBTRC) and a business design incubator NYDesigns (3D printing available on site). Bundling all these services on a community college campus has…

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  3. Become Globally Competitive: Take a Geographically Unbound Approach to Commercialization

    Over the last decade, Larta has developed and deployed a start-up entrepreneurial education and assistance platform across the globe. This “Network-Centric” approach to enterprise development takes a geographically unbound approach that enhances the global competitiveness of start-ups.

    Such an approach aggregates the best global resources drawn from domain and functional experts and professionals working in marketing, branding, research, law and other relevant areas. These resources are tailored to the unique needs of individual innovators, and are served up “just in time”, truly aligned with the breakneck pace of commerce courtesy of the Web, the demand for externally-developed innovations and the…

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  4. Butler Venture Accelerator Program at Babson College

    Outside the classroom, Babson students live entrepreneurship through the comprehensive John E. and Alice L. Butler Venture Accelerator Program which is the result of faculty and staff working together to define a framework that provides access to resources for student and alumni entrepreneurs to move their business ideas forward. The resources available through the program include workshops on a wide range of topic areas, workspace and advising/mentoring. Each level has one or more faculty advisors who are experienced entrepreneurs. These faculty teach one or more entrepreneurship courses at Babson, so the advice they provide is consistent with the content delivered…

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  5. ASU creates Alexandria Network to create and support co-working spaces in libraries

    Alexandria Network – Democratizing Entrepreneurship

    The Alexandria Network is one of the ‘new ideas’ projects from ASU’s Venture Catalyst unit, along with the Furnace Technology Transfer Accelerator. The Alexandria Network is designed to provide support for the innovation economy within designated libraries, eventually creating a network of locations across the greater Phoenix area and then across the state of Arizona.

    These new locations, called EUREKA spaces, will combine elements of the now popular co-working spaces, along with expert library fact-finding services, and ASU startup resources, into one designated place that innovators and entrepreneurs can use on a daily basis to…

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  6. Cornell IP&Pizza™ and IP&Pasta™

    Cornell IP&Pizza™ and IP&Pasta™ host outreach activities to Cornell faculty, research staff, and students. The goal of these activities is to increase appreciation of the importance of making university research results useful to society, providing a basic knowledge and understanding of intellectual property issues, and creating an awareness of capturing and protecting valuable intellectual property and its importance to entice potential industry partners. This and other similar programs are run through Cornell’s Center for Technology and Enterprise and Commercialization.

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  7. University of Rochester’s F.I.R.E. Series

    University of Rochester’s F.I.R.E. Series is a regular lecture series designed to educate the university community about the many aspects of technology transfer, what it means to be an inventor, what every researcher should know in order to protect potential intellectual property rights, and the complexities of starting a business. This lecture series is run out of the University of Rochester Medical Center Office of Technology Transfer.

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  8. UNC Chapel Hill’s Office of Technology Development (OTD)

    UNC Chapel Hill’s Office of Technology Development (OTD) internship program is an eight-month position for graduate students or post-doctoral fellows who wish to learn more about intellectual property protection and technology commercialization. The internship runs during the academic year and requires 8 to 12 hours a week, during which the interns participate in a formal training series covering the basics of technology transfer, market assessments, and direct marketing for select technologies. Interns also gain exposure to ongoing negotiations between the OTD and industry partners.

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  9. Innovation and Entrepreneur Degree Program

    The University of Colorado’s Innovation and Entrepreneur Degree Program is located at the Colorado Springs campus, this program offers a Bachelor’s degree in Innovation (B.I.), which provides a unique multi-disciplinary team approach. For example, in addition to completing classes in computer science, a B.I. in Computer Science requires students to develop strong team skills, study innovation, engage in entrepreneurship, practice proposal writing, and learn business and intellectual property law.

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About Startup-U

Startup-U is nationwide initiative of 150+ colleges and universities committed to promoting entrepreneurship. On this website you can:

(1) share the best practices your university uses to promote entrepreneurship on campus
(2) share pro-innovation ideas you'd like universities to implement

Feel free to submit ideas, comment and vote for the ideas you like!

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