Creating Startup Universities
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As of April 1st, we have closed Startup University to new submissions while we review and report back on the results. We will be contacting all of those who registered to vote on ideas, submitted ideas or made comments with the results of this project. You can also check back after April 15th or subscribe to the SBA’s blog for updates.

Last year the Small Business Administration held a series of regional roundtables with accelerators and universities, and one of the major takeaways was that universities could use a dedicated forum to discuss best practices and build new connections between academia and startup entrepreneurs.

Based off this feedback, the SBA and Department of Commerce created Startup University as a forum for educators and entrepreneurs like you to vote, comment, add provide feedback, but we need your help!

  • Use our forum bellow and tell us what you are seeing:
  • Vote: Which initiatives stand out to you? Vote on your top 5 success stories and tell us if these programs should be replicated elsewhere.
  • Add Your Own– How you have promoted innovation and entrepreneurship on campus and in the community? What can be done to replicate your success, or learn from past mistakes?
  • Hot ideas
  • Top ideas
  • New ideas
  • My feedback

19 results found

  1. Linking Innovation, Industry and Commercialization

    What is an army’s strategic plan without its infantry to implement it? It is but an idea on a piece of paper, with no tangible results; no achievements. The infiltration and reconnaissance efforts of the infantry are a contribution to a greater purpose: advancement and long-term success. The Linking Innovation, Industry and Commercialization (LIINC) program at West Virginia University executes WVU’s 2020 Strategic Plan in the trenches, actively facilitating increased and improved collaboration between WVU faculty researchers, graduate students and the private sector marketplace. LIINC has engaged university faculty and administrators, established corporate relationships, provided new support for research faculty,…

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  2. Growing Existing Small Business

    Small business owners entrepreneurs are having difficulty in growing their businesses. I suggest a collaboration between Industry, Government and Universities to develop measurable programs with accountability in mind that can benefit all parties. Since everyone is saying small business is the engine of our economy, why not help them.

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  3. Student Venture Funds: Stanford Start-X, North Dakota Venture Group, University of Akron

    The University of North Dakota Center for Innovation fosters hands on learning through Mueller Entrepreneur Internships (funding students to start a venture) and the Dakota Venture Group, the nation's first fully student run venture fund where the students need to source deals, screen, conduct due diligence, negotiate investment terms, syndicated with angel funds and other investors, close deals, manage portfolio, and arrange for exits. They work closely with nine area angel funds. They also invest in student ventures. More than 100 students have participated so far in this vibrant entrepreneur and angel investor ecosystem.

    Student Venture Fund at The University…

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  4. University of Delaware's Fully Integrated Economic Development Organization

    The University of Delaware has formed a unique and fully integrated organization whose combined capabilities allow it to participate seamlessly in all facets of economic development that occur at the interface of the academic, public and private sectors. The Centers contained in the integrated organization, which is called The Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships, include Small Business and Technology Development, Procurement and Technical Assistance, Technology Transfer, Innovation/Entrepreneurship, Partnership Formation and Incubation.

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  5. Georgia Tech’s Flashpoint

    Georgia Tech’s– Flashpoint
    Flashpoint is a startup accelerator that offers entrepreneurial education and access to experienced mentors, experts, and investors in an immersive, shared-learning, and open workspace. The program, the first public-private partnership of its type in the country, brings together resources from the university, private secto, and startup leaders to accelerate innovation and growth. A $1 million fund, created by an investment firm working with Atlanta angel investors, invests between $15,000 and $25,000 in startup funds a company. In January 2011, Flashpoint held its first “demo day” with 15 startups from the initial Flashpoint group that included Georgia Tech…

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  6. University of Akron's Timken Engineered Surfaces Laboratory

    The University of Akron and the Timken Company established a model industry-university collaboration wherein a specialized corporate research team in engineered surfaces was transferred to The University of Akron with academic credentials to pursue expanded research and commercial development. The company sponsors continuing research at the University. Equipment and facilities were consolidated at the university and "stranded (non-strategic) technologies" within the Timken Company have become the basis for a new enterprise jointly owned by Timken and the University of Akron Research Foundation. The new company provides engineered surface solutions in new markets including medical devices, aerospace and selected defense applications.

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  7. University of Delaware's Technology Business Start-up Program

    The University’s business start-up program is designed to create a pipeline of technology-based businesses and enhance the state’s ecosystem for technology business formation. The University, through its Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships (OEIP), is providing an integrated platform consisting of locating capital, intellectual property and business support, access to incubation space, CEO and management team recruitment, and pro-bono professional and banking services. Designed as a three-year incubation program, the program serves that state’s major research institutions and also functions as a gateway to public and private sector partnerships.

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  8. The University of California, Irvine - Focus on Business Development

    The University of California, Irvine has focused on business development to export their technologies to the commercial space. By expanding our reach beyond local opportunities, we have expanded our partner base nationally in short time. Our blog,, and other social media, have been effective in telling our story and creating partnerships.

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  9. Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron

    The University of Akron along with three regional hospitals and the Northeast Ohio Medical University formed the Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, which concentrates regional assets for innovation in medicine and sponsors teams to create solutions to identified medical challenges.

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  10. University of Minnesota’s IPrime-Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering

    University of Minnesota’s IPrime (Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering) was created in 2000 and is a university/industry partnership based on two-way knowledge transfer. The partnership is a consortium of more than 40 companies supporting fundamental collaborative research on materials. Participation in IPrime affords companies the chance to scan a wide range of scientific and technological developments and delve into the fundamental science that undergirds their products. A principal goal of IPrime is the engagement of industrial scientists and engineers in a pre-competitive, non-proprietary and collaborative environment that promotes hands-on participation by visiting industrial scientists with IPrime…

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  11. University of Michigan’s Business Engagement Center (BEC)

    University of Michigan’s Business Engagement Center (BEC)
    The BEC, affiliated with the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of University Development, provides companies with a one-stop gateway to the various research, technology, education, facilities, and talent resources at U-M. Founded in 2007, the BEC maintains relationships with more than 1,000 companies, and is contacted by about 200 new companies each year. BEC-facilitated relationships can range from individual research projects to broader engagements, depending on the business need. One of the functions of the BEC is to work with schools and departments to encourage industry sponsorship of…

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  12. University of Delaware’s Office of Economic Innovation & Partnership (OEIP)

    University of Delaware’s Office of Economic Innovation & Partnership (OEIP)
    OEIP has established partnerships with The College of Engineering and the Lerner College of Business to establish a program entitled Spin In™. The program works with local entrepreneurs who ‘spin in’ a technology, patent, or product that needs further development. OEIP then recruits an interdisciplinary team of undergraduate students from the business and engineering colleges to further develop the product. At the end of a pre-determined period of time, the intent is to spin the product back out to the entrepreneur for potential commercialization. OEIP also offers undergraduate and graduate…

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  13. California Institute of Technology- Technology Reviews for Investors

    California Institute of Technology
    The university runs a comprehensive “tech review” process for faculty, in which Caltech researchers have the opportunity to give a short presentation on a new and promising technology for commercialization to an audience of angel investors, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurial alumni. A roundtable discussion then takes place where investors provide feedback and advice on commercial development potential of the technology.

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  14. Create Incubators on Campus

    Universities can greatly increase the chances of startup success by incubating these new companies. Universities can provide free/low-cost workspace and services to student businesses, reducing early hassle for startups and allowing them to focus on meaningful growth.

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  15. Entrepreneurs in Residence

    The Entrepreneur-in-Residence program, would allow visiting entrepreneurs to teach classes and serve as advisers to the universities on a rotating basis. They would directly interact with students interested in entrepreneurship via classes, workshops and mentoring sessions. They would collaborate with university administrators, using their real-world expertise to advise universities on startup promotion.

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  16. Expanding TTOs level of support

    Utah State University
    The university’s Intellectual Property (IP) Services unit within Commercial Enterprises helps USU faculty and staff manage and protect intellectual property. IP service managers work and assist USU and USURF researchers to identify, disclose, protect, and commercialize USU intellectual property. IP Services includes two IP attorneys, one registered patent agent, one paralegal and one docket manager.

    University of Toledo
    The “Lab-to-Launch” initiative partners UT’s technology transfer team with Rocket Ventures LLC, a pre-seed fund, to accelerate the transfer of research to the market. The team works closely with research faculty to identify and promote high-potential platform technologies and…

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  17. Sharing resources and knowledge- Clemson University’s International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR)

    Clemson University’s International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR)

    CU-ICAR is an advanced-technology research campus where university, industry, and government organizations collaborate. In the university’s labs and testing facilities, automotive, motorsports, aerospace, and mobility experts work together on R&D. The Center’s focus on applied education and direct engagement with industry leaders provides cutting-edge curriculum development and research capabilities focused on current trends and related issues in the automotive industry. Partners, such as BMW®, Michelin®, and Koyo® work, with students and faculty to focus on systems engineering through automotive R&D.

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  18. University of Texas South: Technology Transfer Centers

    University of Texas South Texas Technology Management Center
    South Texas Technology Management (STTM) is a regional technology transfer office affiliated with the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA).

    It provides a host of services for regional institutions such as support on grant applications, patenting, and commercialization. Through the collaborative efforts STTM has built a portfolio of technologies and projects to take to push ideas to the next level. The Horizon fund provides $10 million to spin off companies created using University of Texas technology.

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  19. Supporting collaboration- University of Cincinnati Research Institute (UCRI)

    The University of Cincinnati Research Institute (UCRI)
    The University’s non-profit allows local, national, and international industries to partner with expert faculty and students performing sponsored research. These partnerships not only connect university experts with industry, but also facilitate the commercialization of research, and enhance cooperative and experiential learning experiences and opportunities. With the creation of the foundation outside the university, professors and other state employees remain in compliance with state restrictions on equity and revenues streams, while allowing them to be compensated for their work through income from licensing revenues and other shares.

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About Startup-U

Startup-U is nationwide initiative of 150+ colleges and universities committed to promoting entrepreneurship. On this website you can:

(1) share the best practices your university uses to promote entrepreneurship on campus
(2) share pro-innovation ideas you'd like universities to implement

Feel free to submit ideas, comment and vote for the ideas you like!

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