Thank You for Participating in Startip University!
As of April 1st, we have closed Startup University to new submissions while we review and report back on the results. We will be contacting all of those who registered to vote on ideas, submitted ideas or made comments with the results of this project. You can also check back after April 15th or subscribe to the SBA’s blog for updates.
Last year the Small Business Administration held a series of regional roundtables with accelerators and universities, and one of the major takeaways was that universities could use a dedicated forum to discuss best practices and build new connections between academia and startup entrepreneurs.
Based off this feedback, the SBA and Department of Commerce created Startup University as a forum for educators and entrepreneurs like you to vote, comment, add provide feedback, but we need your help!
- Use our forum bellow and tell us what you are seeing:
- Vote: Which initiatives stand out to you? Vote on your top 5 success stories and tell us if these programs should be replicated elsewhere.
- Add Your Own– How you have promoted innovation and entrepreneurship on campus and in the community? What can be done to replicate your success, or learn from past mistakes?
82 results found
Student Startup Inc.
We’re building a cross-campus entrepreneurship community at MSU Denver to help students startup.
What we do for new for new ventures:
Coach ventures through the process of ideation and development.
Connect ventures with resources they can use.
Creation of investment-ready student ventures culminating in Demo DayMSU Denver attracts students who are from all over the globe who are geared towards advancing their professional careers, many of them have an entrepreneurial mindset that drives them to understand how to create sustainable businesses. It was this entrepreneurial spirit that led to the initial creation of Student Startup.
Developed by a MSU…
7 votes -
Measuring how Start-ups succeed or fail early
Why do entrepreneurial start-up business fail and what to do about it. I hear a lot of people talking about the start-up business failures and not about the start-up business successes. The big reason many new businesses fail is because know one is really measuring the start-up business after it has received the initial funding. Measuring a start-up businesses early progress is a very simple, yet no one is doing it. You see, a business is like anything else you start, you're going to make a few mistakes and you need to learn from those mistakes. Whenever we do business…
3 votes -
Proven six-week intensive mentor/training workshop ending with new small business up-and-running. Extraneous academic "fluff" eliminated
Practical-proven six-week mentoring/training INTENSIVE copyrighted workshop resulting with new small business up-and-running. Named "From Concept to Startup and Beyond" [C-S-B] "no academic 'fluff' " boiled-down basics. B = continuing requested one-topic follow on trainings - graduates networked into continuing interaction groups. Original implementation 2005-present for young-unemployed populations in the Middle East & North Africa. Now offered for the young unemployed college graduates in North America; also for older and wise seniors. Carefully in process of choosing three practical leading-edge community colleges as partners. We train trainers as well. "We don't just talk it -we prove it AND measure our results."…
5 votes -
CleanzoNE - Cleantech Innovation Community Connector in New England -
Ultimately will become a cross between Linkedin and for the cleantech early-stage innovation community. Open to all players in the cleantech ecosystem; easy no-cost sign-up process to request to join.
This on-line community designed to connect all parties in the early-stage cleantech innovation community across the six state region. Helping entrepreneurs find in-place infrastructure and service providers, making connections with mentors & coaches, consolidating funding opportunities, and providing visibility of entrepreneurial activity to corporate "strategic" parties and investment community players that may be interested in funding, joint development or early customer engagement.
CleanzoNE is an alternative vehicle to accelerate…
7 votes -
Increasing the Pipeline of Women in Entrepreneurship: Hass/UC Berkley, George Washington and Syracuse.
Developed in 2011 by Springworks and piloted at Haas/UC Berkeley, WE-Generation (WE-Gen) is a growing community of next generation women interested in entrepreneurship who actively work together to learn, support, and inspire.
Using a campus based chapter model, participating students develop a charter for how they are organized that best fits their interests and Universities. The leaders of each University's WE Gen chapter, in coordination with their members, create and run programs that will help their entrepreneurial aspirations.
Each chapter is meant to not only be a beacon for on campus women entrepreneurs but to provide them with a voice…
226 votes -
Illinois Institute of Technology Venture Creation Program
IIT's university-wide Entrepreneurship Minor is capped by the Summit Course, designed to provide students a hands-on, real world opportunity to identify, investigate and/or evaluate the suitability of a product or service. The activity will be to build your own team or join a small team, develop a prototype, engage customers/partners, and identify support and/or funding. Pilot versions of this program have already created sustaining companies.
1 vote -
University of Delaware's Technology Business Start-up Program
The University’s business start-up program is designed to create a pipeline of technology-based businesses and enhance the state’s ecosystem for technology business formation. The University, through its Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships (OEIP), is providing an integrated platform consisting of locating capital, intellectual property and business support, access to incubation space, CEO and management team recruitment, and pro-bono professional and banking services. Designed as a three-year incubation program, the program serves that state’s major research institutions and also functions as a gateway to public and private sector partnerships.
1 vote -
University of Delaware's Fully Integrated Economic Development Organization
The University of Delaware has formed a unique and fully integrated organization whose combined capabilities allow it to participate seamlessly in all facets of economic development that occur at the interface of the academic, public and private sectors. The Centers contained in the integrated organization, which is called The Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships, include Small Business and Technology Development, Procurement and Technical Assistance, Technology Transfer, Innovation/Entrepreneurship, Partnership Formation and Incubation.
2 votes -
VentureBoard: What's Stopping You? (Networking Resources) is an online platform to connect students on a given campus interested in starting a company. It provides tools to find students and resources as well as an all encompassing platform to organize your venture and connect with advisors.
16 votes -
IVY Tech Community College: Entrepreneurship Programs for Statewide Community College Systems
IVY Tech Community College in Bloomington IN pioneered the Entrepreneurship program for this statewide community college system. A collaboration between Gayle and Bill Cook founders of Cook Medical Devices and the Bloomington Campus.
“The Gayle & Bill Cook Center for Entrepreneurship at Ivy Tech's Bloomington campus was established in 2010 to develop and implement practical tools and resources for students, individuals and the community to foster entrepreneurship at Ivy Tech Bloomington and in the broader economic development region it serves” votes -
Middlebury College - Middlebury Entrepreneurs
The Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET) has created an undergraduate course based on Steve Blank's Customer Development class at Stanford. Taught at Middlebury College, students begin by reading "The Lean Startup," and before the first class students answer the following questions:
"Who is your customer? What problem are you solving? How much of a pain it is? What is your solution?"
Customer focus, combined with measures that force students to test their products with real people, makes for a class that produces confident and receptive entrepreneurs.
If you'd like to read more about the course, shoot VCET an email…
2 votes -
Student Start - Connecting Student Entrepreneurs with Alumni Donors (
The Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET) has made a Kickstarter for college students called Student Start. Student Start is a packaged crowdfunding platform used by universities and colleges to empower student entrepreneurs. From advice and connections, to mentoring and money, Student Start empowers entrepreneurship teams by providing a page that displays project videos to alumni of that university. It starts with a great idea, a student team, and a plan.
Feel free to visit our pilot with the University of Vermont (
22 votes -
The University of California, Irvine - Focus on Business Development
The University of California, Irvine has focused on business development to export their technologies to the commercial space. By expanding our reach beyond local opportunities, we have expanded our partner base nationally in short time. Our blog,, and other social media, have been effective in telling our story and creating partnerships.
1 vote -
Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron
The University of Akron along with three regional hospitals and the Northeast Ohio Medical University formed the Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, which concentrates regional assets for innovation in medicine and sponsors teams to create solutions to identified medical challenges.
1 vote -
University of Akron Research Foundation
The University of Akron Research Foundation (UARF) was established for the purpose of benefiting the regional community via sharing and reallocation of regional assets. UARF has led the greater university community in providing a full range of innovation support services including the development of capital, technology and human resources, as well as consolidating and providing facilities and equipment in support of innovation. UARF, in collaboration with the Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, hosts an NSF sponsored i6 Proof of Concept Center.
2 votes -
Lorain County Community College Foundation's Innovation Fund
- Lorain County Community College, The University of Akron, and 10 other regional institutions and collaborators sponsor the Innovation Fund, a regional fund focused on supporting technology-based entrepreneurial endeavors and emerging technology-based businesses. The fund provides awards of up to $100,000 to promising technology-based start-ups located or willing to locate within Northeast Ohio. Awards help early-stage entrepreneur's progress through the business development continuum by providing resources to validate the technology or prove the business model. Recipients are required to provide an entrepreneurial educational opportunity for students.
1 vote -
University of Akron's Timken Engineered Surfaces Laboratory
The University of Akron and the Timken Company established a model industry-university collaboration wherein a specialized corporate research team in engineered surfaces was transferred to The University of Akron with academic credentials to pursue expanded research and commercial development. The company sponsors continuing research at the University. Equipment and facilities were consolidated at the university and "stranded (non-strategic) technologies" within the Timken Company have become the basis for a new enterprise jointly owned by Timken and the University of Akron Research Foundation. The new company provides engineered surface solutions in new markets including medical devices, aerospace and selected defense applications.
2 votes -
University of Akron Innovation Practice Center
The University of Akron has committed new university resources to a multi-million dollar Innovation Practice Center funded through the university’s strategic Achieving Distinction program. The center will hire scholar practitioners in support of regional economic development and will support cross-campus faculty and student engagement, as well as participation by community entrepreneurs and mentors to guide the faculty and student business teams.
4 votes -
University of Akron Technology Commercialization Teams
The University of Akron is leading an effort to create an Ohio state-wide version of the highly successful NSF I-Corps program. Selected university research faculty and their graduate students are teamed with experienced mentors and receive funding and experiential training on technology commercialization. The program expands the perspective of research scholars, who want to gain an appreciation, as well as valuable knowledge and tools, for research and development that is focused on new and useful products and services. The Lean Launchpad training model is used in an eight-week program focused on identifying and providing customer solutions via technology commercialization.
1 vote -
LaGuardia Community College/CUNY, Long Island City (Queens) NY, Business Services "en suite"
Provides business advisement and support services "en suite" - under one umbrella creating an ecosystem to support small businesses. Small Business owners can access support from one program to another depending on their needs and where they are in their business; education and training, government procurement assistance and access to capital across five core business programs: a Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), a Small Business Transportation Resource Center (SBTRC) and a business design incubator NYDesigns (3D printing available on site). Bundling all these services on a community college campus has…
112 votes