Creating Startup Universities
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  1. Utilizing Incubator kitchens, educating community underserved seniors and disabled, how to select, prepare, store food safely for wellness .

    Building a community kitchen that can be rented or leased by other groups, while retaining a main focus on hosting/presenting classes on preparing a food budget, meal planning, learning how to boil, saute, poach, or fry in a technical environment. Practical lessons in food selection, handling, storage, and finally, in not most important, learning which foods are best for each person's unique health needs to meet their age, lifestyle, geographic regions, social conditions.

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  2. Project Humanity Put them to Work Program

    I feel our Government should help out the Homeless people, by using funds to provide workshops for the less fortunate, that want to be productive members of society. Why cant funds be allocated, to allow people a 2nd chance at retraining them and putting them back in the work force, therefore promoting humanity, economic growth, and self worth, not all homeless people want to be homeless and at one time were productive members of society, the easy way out is paying these peoples way and forgetting about, growth of the economy humanity goes along way reallly.

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Startup-U is nationwide initiative of 150+ colleges and universities committed to promoting entrepreneurship. On this website you can:

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