Thank You for Participating in Startip University!
As of April 1st, we have closed Startup University to new submissions while we review and report back on the results. We will be contacting all of those who registered to vote on ideas, submitted ideas or made comments with the results of this project. You can also check back after April 15th or subscribe to the SBA’s blog for updates.
Last year the Small Business Administration held a series of regional roundtables with accelerators and universities, and one of the major takeaways was that universities could use a dedicated forum to discuss best practices and build new connections between academia and startup entrepreneurs.
Based off this feedback, the SBA and Department of Commerce created Startup University as a forum for educators and entrepreneurs like you to vote, comment, add provide feedback, but we need your help!
- Use our forum bellow and tell us what you are seeing:
- Vote: Which initiatives stand out to you? Vote on your top 5 success stories and tell us if these programs should be replicated elsewhere.
- Add Your Own– How you have promoted innovation and entrepreneurship on campus and in the community? What can be done to replicate your success, or learn from past mistakes?
82 results found
University of Delaware's Technology Business Start-up Program
The University’s business start-up program is designed to create a pipeline of technology-based businesses and enhance the state’s ecosystem for technology business formation. The University, through its Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships (OEIP), is providing an integrated platform consisting of locating capital, intellectual property and business support, access to incubation space, CEO and management team recruitment, and pro-bono professional and banking services. Designed as a three-year incubation program, the program serves that state’s major research institutions and also functions as a gateway to public and private sector partnerships.
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The University of California, Irvine - Focus on Business Development
The University of California, Irvine has focused on business development to export their technologies to the commercial space. By expanding our reach beyond local opportunities, we have expanded our partner base nationally in short time. Our blog,, and other social media, have been effective in telling our story and creating partnerships.
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Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron
The University of Akron along with three regional hospitals and the Northeast Ohio Medical University formed the Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, which concentrates regional assets for innovation in medicine and sponsors teams to create solutions to identified medical challenges.
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Lorain County Community College Foundation's Innovation Fund
- Lorain County Community College, The University of Akron, and 10 other regional institutions and collaborators sponsor the Innovation Fund, a regional fund focused on supporting technology-based entrepreneurial endeavors and emerging technology-based businesses. The fund provides awards of up to $100,000 to promising technology-based start-ups located or willing to locate within Northeast Ohio. Awards help early-stage entrepreneur's progress through the business development continuum by providing resources to validate the technology or prove the business model. Recipients are required to provide an entrepreneurial educational opportunity for students.
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University of Akron Technology Commercialization Teams
The University of Akron is leading an effort to create an Ohio state-wide version of the highly successful NSF I-Corps program. Selected university research faculty and their graduate students are teamed with experienced mentors and receive funding and experiential training on technology commercialization. The program expands the perspective of research scholars, who want to gain an appreciation, as well as valuable knowledge and tools, for research and development that is focused on new and useful products and services. The Lean Launchpad training model is used in an eight-week program focused on identifying and providing customer solutions via technology commercialization.
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University of Illinois’ Patent Clinic
University of Illinois’ Patent Clinic provides law students the opportunity to draft patent applications for student inventors. Student-innovators with potentially patentable inventions are referred to the Patent Clinic by the Technology Entrepreneur Center (TEC) at the College of Engineering. The Patent Clinic then reviews the innovations, searches for relevant prior art, and selects one innovation for each law student. Each law student then proceeds to work with the inventors to draft a patent application on their innovation in consultation with an instructor.
7 votes -
Innovation and Entrepreneur Degree Program
The University of Colorado’s Innovation and Entrepreneur Degree Program is located at the Colorado Springs campus, this program offers a Bachelor’s degree in Innovation (B.I.), which provides a unique multi-disciplinary team approach. For example, in addition to completing classes in computer science, a B.I. in Computer Science requires students to develop strong team skills, study innovation, engage in entrepreneurship, practice proposal writing, and learn business and intellectual property law.
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Syracuse's South Side Innovation Center- University and Community Partnership
The South Side Innovation Center (SSIC) is a partnership between Syracuse and Syracuse University. SSIC provides services and facilities to current and emerging entrepreneurs,– all in an energized environment of entrepreneurial activity. SSIC’s mission is to increase the strength and size of the area economy by helping a diverse group of emerging and mature businesses reach their potential size and profitability
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Merrimack Valley Sandbox
The Merrimack Valley Sandbox’s Campus Catalyst program provides small grants of up to $500 for students of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Merrimack College, Middlesex Community College, and Northern Essex Community College to start entrepreneurial projects off-campus and in their communities.
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UNC Chapel Hill’s Office of Technology Development (OTD)
UNC Chapel Hill’s Office of Technology Development (OTD) internship program is an eight-month position for graduate students or post-doctoral fellows who wish to learn more about intellectual property protection and technology commercialization. The internship runs during the academic year and requires 8 to 12 hours a week, during which the interns participate in a formal training series covering the basics of technology transfer, market assessments, and direct marketing for select technologies. Interns also gain exposure to ongoing negotiations between the OTD and industry partners.
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Purdue University's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Community (ELC)
Purdue University has an Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Community (ELC) that is made up of students interested in new business ventures who live together in Harrison Hall, many of whom also participate in the entrepreneurship certificate program.
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University of Minnesota’s IPrime-Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering
University of Minnesota’s IPrime (Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering) was created in 2000 and is a university/industry partnership based on two-way knowledge transfer. The partnership is a consortium of more than 40 companies supporting fundamental collaborative research on materials. Participation in IPrime affords companies the chance to scan a wide range of scientific and technological developments and delve into the fundamental science that undergirds their products. A principal goal of IPrime is the engagement of industrial scientists and engineers in a pre-competitive, non-proprietary and collaborative environment that promotes hands-on participation by visiting industrial scientists with IPrime…
2 votes -
Protecting Intellectual Property- Cal Tech
California Institute of Technology
Caltech files a provisional patent application for every single invention disclosure that goes through their TTO. Over the first year following the filing of the provisional patent application, the TTO evaluates the technical and business merits of the invention to determine whether it is worth filing a regular patent application on the invention.2 votes -
Washington University in St. Louis’ Paid Student Internships
Washington University in St. Louis’ student internship program offers 25 paid internships per summer for students to work in a start-up company four days a week and attend experience learning workshops one day a week.
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The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s “Entrepreneurial Deli”
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s “Entrepreneurial Deli” borrows a food court metaphor to help students meet and learn from experienced young entrepreneurs. Using the tag line “Grab ‘n Go Entrepreneurship” and a speed-dating-like format, the workshops encourage students to learn first-hand about solutions to different problems that confront startup ventures from experienced entrepreneurs.
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Center for Young Entrepreneurs at Haas (YEAH)
University of California, Berkeley has students from its Center for Young Entrepreneurs at Haas (YEAH) work in the community with underprivileged East Bay and Bay Area youth to share best practices in entrepreneurship, a passion for education, and to help high school students in the area pursue a college education.
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University of Kansas’ RedTire: Linking Graduate Students with Alumni
University of Kansas’ RedTire initiative was developed to help link graduate students and alumni with struggling, local small/medium-sized businesses to prevent shuttering with ensuing loss of community services and tax base. Through this collaborative effort, businesses are able to receive support and mentorship to grow the business and employ more fellow Kansans.
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University of Michigan’s Business Engagement Center (BEC)
University of Michigan’s Business Engagement Center (BEC)
The BEC, affiliated with the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of University Development, provides companies with a one-stop gateway to the various research, technology, education, facilities, and talent resources at U-M. Founded in 2007, the BEC maintains relationships with more than 1,000 companies, and is contacted by about 200 new companies each year. BEC-facilitated relationships can range from individual research projects to broader engagements, depending on the business need. One of the functions of the BEC is to work with schools and departments to encourage industry sponsorship of…3 votes -
University of Delaware’s Office of Economic Innovation & Partnership (OEIP)
University of Delaware’s Office of Economic Innovation & Partnership (OEIP)
OEIP has established partnerships with The College of Engineering and the Lerner College of Business to establish a program entitled Spin In™. The program works with local entrepreneurs who ‘spin in’ a technology, patent, or product that needs further development. OEIP then recruits an interdisciplinary team of undergraduate students from the business and engineering colleges to further develop the product. At the end of a pre-determined period of time, the intent is to spin the product back out to the entrepreneur for potential commercialization. OEIP also offers undergraduate and graduate…2 votes -
University of Florida’s Inspiration Hall
University of Florida’s Inspiration Hall is a new, state-of-the-art live-and-learn community located within Innovation Square, only two blocks from the University of Florida and the Florida Innovation Hub. By living and learning within the Innovation Square environment, undergraduate students can interact throughout their academic program with other like-minded people: fellow students, researchers, faculty, business professionals and entrepreneurs.
3 votes